Friday, 18 July 2008

Ideas for market stall plan

Today I had a rummage in my messy work room at old sketch books and fabric experiments but I think the mess in the room is a reflection of my brain at the mo.

I'm trying to think of stock I can make to sell in a market stall and shops but finding something a bit different is really hard.

I want to use some of the fab herbs and chillies that we have been growing and apart from chutneys and jams I think I have hit an inspiration road block.

I am thinking along the lines of home dyed and printed fabric, bags, toys and cards.
On the toy front Finley apart from developing green fingers ( or should that be brown ) has turned out to be a fab business partner.

He was sitting on my lap looking at pics from other blogs and after looking at wee wonderful's (see inspiration list ) he decided that he would like a robot toy and that birds would be a good idea to.

( Fins robot, more technicolour than techno, don't think ill pursue this one.)

I shortly after decided not to continue the robots after spending a whole day on just one, but my birds turned out pretty well.I went back to my childhood days designing the little outfits for them which is were I started of all those centuries ago.

However my partner Adam now thinks I have reached a new low in pregnancy weirdness after knitting little hats and making pom poms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the birds are brilliant and you have not hit a pregnancy low, but instead an inspirational high.