Wednesday 24 October 2012

Always pack chocolate !

Not been doing much crafting these last few weeks. I had some less glamorous work in the form of curtains and Roman blind orders for a customer. Along with this boring sewing task I also had a disaster of a weekend.I had to rush home to see my poor mum who had ended up in hospital after a black out and fall. Whilst on route, I ended up on a train, stuck on the track, dead still for two hours whilst police buzzed around the line with ambulance men. Someone had fell on the track, in front of my train. Terrible I know..... worst thing was the train was overloaded as a London train had been cancelled and all I could think about was getting to my mum. not the poor person on the track. (how terrible am I). public transport is not what it used to be. gone are the days off a nice window and table seat when you can grab a few peaceful hours of book reading. Disaster Disaster Disaster............... Well luckily my mum is on the mend but the poor person under my train was not so fortunate. (makes me feel even worse for cursing them for being so clumsy while I was just glad I had packed some chocolate....) On the up side I finished a couple of reindeer and Betty. they have been half finished on my sewing pile for yonks and after the stress of the weekend I thought some sewing therapy was in order and these three characters came to light. Fingers crossed for a better half term week with the kids. looking forward to embrace the chaos they bring, and fun filled days.


margaret said...

glad to hear your Mum is on the mend, must have seemed a very long 2 hours when you did not know how she was, very sad for the person who fell and of course the family he left behind.
Enjoy half term, not the weather for the kids to play out but no doubt you will have them being creative.

the linen cloud said...

Oh sorry to hear about your mum ... glad she is feeling better ... just found your lovely blog while browsing etsy ... love your shop and your makes ... I'm now your newest follower ... Bee x

Little Dotty Bird said...

oh dear, hope your mama is ok! There were a few incidents on the railways when I used to travel a lot between Brighton and Cornwall and although its tragic, there does get a point when you start going a bit stir crazy! I'll give you a ring tomorrow because I'm placing an order with for packaging , tissue paper (I like blue/cream I think if you wanna share?) and ribbon and wondered if you wanted to get anything or share some bags etc Take a peek at the web and I'll speak to ya soon (they are all eco friendly, recycled stuff!)! x